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English Vision 

At St. Peter’s Catholic Primary school, we intend to provide all children with a safe, stimulating and happy environment, where they feel confident and secure to “learn together” with their peers and staff members to “become the best” reader, writer, speaker and listener that they possibly can. We understand that developing their English language skills not only affects performance and progress during their time in school but also has a profound influence on the course of their lives after they have left school. Our mission is to work together in order to develop learners who leave our school as confident and competent communicators, who have a love of English language and literature that sits alongside their “love of God”.  


Reading Intent 

At St. Peter’s School, we intend to create confident, fluent readers who have the ability to develop a deep and true understanding of what they read and appreciate the importance and value of reading for pleasure. We aim to facilitate and promote a love of reading, an ability to read fluently and a secure ability to understand what they are reading. It is important for us that children are able to comprehend at a high level rather than just sight read. We aim to create a love of reading through encouraging reading at home and working closely with parents to do this is vital. In order to foster a love of reading across various genres, we aim to expose children to a wide range of texts across the curriculum and we purchase books for the classroom and library accordingly. As part of our catholic social values and equality ethos, we are committed to purchasing books that represent our children and community through characters, themes and authors.  As part of our faith-based ethos we are also committed to giving the children the opportunity to read about positive representations of their faith and other faiths. Our learning around reading both in terms of decoding and comprehension is based on the objectives as outlined in the National Curriculum. 


Writing Intent 

At St. Peter’s School, we intend to create confident writers who are passionate about writing. We intend pupils to develop an understanding of the different reasons for writing, different writing genres, grammatical terms, spelling strategies and also develop pupils who are able to write fluently, neatly with the writing implement best suited to the task. We aim to help our children develop these skills in the following ways: ensure opportunities for children to be able to write for a range of reasons, across the curriculum and with an awareness of their audience whilst applying a range of writing skills and techniques to engage their reader. As part of our faith-based ethos we are also committed to giving the children the opportunity to write about their faith and other faiths in a variety of styles.  We aim to create writers who can re-read, edit and improve their own writing. We have high expectations for all children to show care and pride in their learning, using neat, legible handwriting. 


Speaking and Listening Intent 

At St. Peter’s School we intend to create pupils who are confident, articulate and inspiring speakers and listeners. Spoken language underpins the development of reading and writing. The quality and variety of language that pupils hear are vital for developing their vocabulary and grammar and their understanding for reading and writing.  Speaking and listening skills are an essential part of our ever changing world, whereby communication is consistently evolving and is an area whereby pupils need to be able to converse clearly and comprehend what they hear. As part of our faith-based ethos we are also committed to giving the children the opportunity to discuss their faith and other faiths. 

English Overviews

Progression of Skills & Knowledge Documents
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St. Peter's Catholic Primary School

Learning Together, Loving God, Becoming the best I can

01922 710872

Lichfield Road




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